Tally Comprehensive + Professional (Duration 166 Hours in 4 Months)
Tally Essentials 1(30 Hours in 15 Sessions)
01Fundamental of Accounting- (4 hours)
Terminologies used in Accounting, Concepts of Accounting, Double Entry System of Accounting, Golden Rules of Accounting, Trial Balance, Financial Statements, Subsidiary Books & Control Accounts, Depreciation, Computerized Accounting
02Introduction of Tally- (4 hours)
Features of TallyPrime, Downloading and Installation, Types of Licenses, Activate or Reactivate Licence, Working Tally Prime in Education Mode, Company Creation and Setting up Company Features, Getting Started with Tally Prime, F12 Configuration, Alter Company Details, Shut the Company
03Maintaining Chart of Accounts- (2 hours)
Chart of Accounts (Creation of Masters, Alteration of Masters, Deletion of Masters, Multi-Masters Creation and Display of Chart of Accounts)
04Recording and Maintaining Accounting Transactions- (6 hours)
Recording Transactions in Tally, Recording Accounting Vouchers in TallyPrime
06Generating Financial Statements and MIS Reports- (2 hours)
Final Accounts Reports in Tally, MIS Reports in Tally, Bird’s eye view/Drill down display from anywhere to anywhere
07Data Security- (2 hours)
Security Control (Activation of Security Control, Creation of Security Levels (User Roles), Creation of Users and Passwords for Company) Accessing the company using Security Levels, Auto Login, TallyVault
08Company Data Management- (2 hours)
Backup of Company Data, Restoring of Company, Company Data Repair, Migration of Tally.ERP9 Company Data to TallyPrime
09Goods and Services Tax(GST)- (6 hours)
GST in TallyPrime, Recording GST Compliant Transactions, Input Tax Credit Set Off against Liability, GST Tax Payment, Generating GST Return for Regular Dealer in Tally, Shortcut Keys
10Business Case Study
Tally Essentials 2 ( Duration 34 Hours In 17 Sessions)
01Storage and Classification of Inventory - (4 hours)
Supply Chain, Inventory Management, Inventory Masters, Tracking of Movements of Goods in Batches/Lots, Price Levels and Price Lists
02Accounts Receivable and Payable Management -(4 hours)
Accounts Payable and Receivable, Maintain Bill-wise Entry, Specifying of Credit Limit for Parties, Splitting of Credit Sale into Multiple Bills, Payment Performance of Debtors, Bills Payable and Receivable Reports in TallyPrime
03Purchase and Sales Order Management -(8 hours)
Purchase order Processing, Sale Order Processing, Order Outstandings, Reorder Level, Godown Transfer in TallyPrime
04Tracking Additional Costs of Purchase -(2 hours)
Configuration of Additional Cost of Purchases in TallyPrime
05Cost/Profit Centres Management -(4 hours)
Cost Centre and Cost Categories, Cost Centre Reports
06Budgets and Scenarios -(4 hours)
Creation of Budget, Recording Transactions, Display Budgets and Variances Reports for Group Budget, Scenario Management
07Generating & Printing Reports -(2 hours)
On the Fly Reporting, Inventory Reports, Financial Reports, Books & Registers, Printing of Invoice and Report
08Goods and Services Tax(GST) -(6 hours)
GST in TallyPrime, Hierarchy of Calculating Tax in Transactions, Recording GST Compliant Transactions, E-Waybill Report in Tally, Input Tax Credit Set Off against Liability, GST Tax Payment, Filing GST Returns in TallyPrime
09Business Case Study
Tally Essentials 3 ( Duration 22 Hours In 11 Sessions)
01Goods and Service Tax(GST) - (6 hours)
E-Way Bill , GST in TallyPrime, E-Way Reports, Generating e-Invoice in TallyPrime, Quarterly Return Monthly Payment Scheme, Composition Dealer under GST Regime, Shortcut Keys, Practice Exercises
02Tax Deducted at Source(TDS) -(4 hours)
Basic Concepts of TDS, TDS Process, TDS in TallyPrime, Statutory Masters, Configuration of TDS at Different levels, Recording TDS compliant Transactions in TallyPrime, TDS Exceptions, TDS Payment to Department, TDS Report, Changes in TDS rates from 1st April 2021, Shortcut keys, Practice Exercises
03Management of Business Data -(6 hours)
Exporting of data in available formats, Exporting of data in available formats, Export and Import of Data, Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), Printing of Company logo on Vouchers, Invoices and Reports, Shortcut Keys, Practice Exercises
04Moving to the Next financial Year -(4 hours)
Changing Current Period and continue voucher entry in the same company data, Company data handling through Export and Import of data, Split Company Data, Create a new company and maintain books of accounts for the new financial year, creating Group company Data, Comparative Final Accounts Reports of Two Companies, Shortcut keys, Practice Exercises
05Business Case Study
Tally Professional (80 Hours In 40 Sessions)
Tally Professional Volume 1 (40 Hours)
01Multi Currency - (5 hours)
Creation of Foreign Currencies, Altering Currencies and Defining of Rates of Exchange,
Accounting Vouchers using Foreign Currency (On Realization Basis),
Adjusting Forex Gain/Loss (On Realization Basis),
Accounting Vouchers using Foreign Currency(On Unrealized Basis),
Generating Reports with Multi Currencies
02Interest Calculation -(5 hours)
Activating Interest Calculation for the Company,
Accounting of Simple Interest (Accounting of Simple Interest Amount in the Books of Accounts , Recording Payment Voucher with Interest Amount to the Supplier),
Accounting of Compound Interest ( Accounting of Simple Interest Amount in the Books of Accounts, Accounting of Compound Interest Amount in the Books of Accounts, Recording Receipt Voucher with Interest Amount from the Customer), Accounting of Interest on Outstanding Balances, Interest Calculation Reports
03Manufacturing Process-Job Work (10 hours)
Enabling Job Order Processing in TallyPrime
Job Work Out Order Processing ( Voucher Type Setup, Auto Listing of Components Using Bill of Materials, Recording of Job Work Out Order Voucher, Material Out Voucher, Material In Voucher, Booking of Job Work Charges, Payment of Job Worker, Job Work Out Reports, Cost Estimation)
Job Work In Order Processing (Voucher Type Set Up, Auto Listing of Components using BOM. Job Work In voucher, Material In(Raw Material) Voucher, Manufacturing Voucher , Material Out(Finish Goods) Voucher, Material Out(Scrap) Voucher, Booking of Job Work Charges, Receipt from Principal Manufacturer towards Job Work Rendered, Job Work In Reports), Transfer of Materials(Inter-Godown)
04Job Costing -(5 hours)
Features of Job Costing, Types of Business that use Job Costing, Documents used in Job Costing Process, Enable Job Costing in Tally Prime
Creation of Chart of Accounts for Job Costing Process( Creation of Cost Centres as Project/Job, Creation of Godown for Project/Job Location, Creation of Stock Groups and Stock Items, Creation of Accounting Masters, Creation of Voucher Type and
Voucher Class under Stock Journal)
Recording Jobs Costing Related Transactions (Purchase of Raw Material, Payment of Transportation Charges Incurred on Purchase of Raw Materials, Manufacturing Journal for Conversion of Raw Materials to Finished Goods, Payment of Expenses Incurred during the Manufacturing Process, Stock Journal for Inter-Godown Stock transfer, Sale of Finished Goods to the Customer, Sale of Finished Goods to the Customer, Receipt from the Customer)
Job Costing Reports ( Job Work Analysis Report, Material Consumption Summary Report)
Post-Dated Cheque Management( Features Of Post-Dated Cheque Management in TallyPrime, Advantages of Maintaining Post-Dated Cheque Management in TallyPrime, Recording & Maintaining Post-Dated Cheque in TallyPrime, Post-dated Summary Report, Regularizing Post-dated Vouchers), Accounting PDC transaction for Notional Bank)
Handling e-Payments in TallyPrime (One-Time Configuration for e-Payments Feature, Modes of e-Payments, Activation of e-Payments Feature in TallyPrime, Recording e-Payment Transactions, Viewing of e-Payments Report, Export and Uploading Payment Instructions to the Bank Portal
06Connectivity Features in TallyPrime using Tally.NET -(5 hours)
Overview of Tally.NET Features
Remote Access in TallyPrime (Features of Remote Access,3.2 Connect Company to Tally.NET Services, Creation of Tally.NET users for Remote Access, Modify Security Levels for Tally.NET User, Login to the company in TallyPrime from Anywhere, Connectivity Status report in TallyPrime, Logout from Remote Session, Disconnect the Company in Server, Disable Remote Access for the Company,
TallyPrime Reports in Browsers (TRiB) ( Features of TallyPrime Reports in Browsers, Getting Started with TallyPrime Reports in Browser, Creation of Tally.NET ID for the User, Create Tally.NET IDs from the Tally Portal, View TallyPrime reports from anywhere using the browser on Desktop/Mobile/Tab, Connectivity Status report in TallyPrime, Disconnect the Company in Server,
Data Synchronisation in TallyPrime ( Features of Data Synchronisation in TallyPrime, Modes of Synchronisation in TallyPrime, Initializing of Synchronisation in TallyPrime, Specifying the Role of the Company, Connect Server Company to Tally.NET Server for Synchronisation, Defining Client Rules and Activate Server Rules for Synchronisation, Synchronising the Data, Synchronisation Reports, Snapshot Exchange in TallyPrime, Tally Virtual User (TVU), Technology options to Run Tally Virtually, Tips to Configure Tally for Virtual Usage, Virtual Use of TallyPrime, How to Avail Additional TVU Packs for Free Trial
07Business Case Study
Tally Professional Volume 2 (40 Hours)
01Recording Advanced GST Transactions -(12 hours) Introduction E-Way Bill, GST e-Invoicing, GST in TallyPrime, Creation of Company and Activating GST, Introducing Capital into the Business, Creation of Masters in TallyPrime,
Recording GST compliant transactions,
Accounting Intrastate Supply of Goods & Services ( Intrastate Inward Supply of Goods, Intrastate Outward Supply of Goods and Generating e-Invoice, Intrastate Inward Supply of Services, Intrastate Outward Supply of Services)
Accounting Interstate Supply of Goods ( Interstate Inward Supply of Goods, Interstate Outward Supply of Goods and Generating e-Invoice with e- Way Bill) Purchases from Unregistered Dealer, Purchases from Composition Dealer, Accounting Mixed Supply under GST, Accounting Composite Supply under GST, Supply of Exempted/Nil-rated Goods under GST, Supply of Goods to Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Import of Goods subject to Reverse Charge Mechanism under GST
Export of Goods under GST (Exports through LUT/Bond, Exports Taxable) Supply of Goods to Other Territory, Supply of Goods to Unregistered Dealer,
Advance Receipts under GST ( Advance Receipt for supply completed in the same month, Advance Receipt for supply completed in the subsequent month)
Generating E-Invoice Report (Export Bulk Invoices using Online Method, Export Bulk Invoices using Offline Method, Update Details in TallyPrime and Print QR Code, Rectify Missing/Invalid Information and Update the Details from e- Invoice report, Cancel IRN)
Generating E-Way Bill Report (Generate e-Way Bill in Bulk, Update e-Way Bill Part B, Extend e-Way Bill Validity, Export Bulk Invoices using Offline Method,
Recording TDS Compliant Transactions (Booking of Expenses & deducting TDS in the Journal Voucher, TDS Transaction for Purchase of Software, TDS on Sales Commission and Deducting TDS, Accounting TDS on Capital Expenditure, Accounting for TDS on Advance Payments and Adjusting Advances towards Bill, Purchase Escalation after Recording TDS Transaction, Reversal/Cancellation of Expenses with TDS, TDS on Works Contract attracting GST, TDS on Payments to Non-Residents (DTAA), TDS on Income from Foreign Currency, Bonds or Shares of India Company)
TDS Payment to Department (TDS Outstanding, Payment of Tax to the Income Tax Department, Generating TDS Challan (ITNS 281), Interest Payment to Income Tax, Department on Delayed Tax Payment)
TDS Report (Challan Reconciliation, Form 26Q, Form 27Q)
E-Return ( Form 26Q, Form 27Q, TRACES Portal)
Maintaining Books of Accounts as a Deductee
03Tax Collected at Source (TCS) - (8 hours)
Basic Concept of TCS
TCS in TallyPrime (Activation of TCS in TallyPrime)
Recording TCS Compliant Transactions (Sale of TCS Goods on Accrual Basis, Sale of TCS Goods at Lower Rate/Nil Rate, Sale of TCS Goods at Higher Tax Rate (Under Section 206CCA), Accounting TCS Exemption for Buyers Deducting TDS, TCS on Transfer of Right to Use, Accounting for TCS on Advance Receipts and Adjusting Advances towards Bill
TCS Payment to Department (Resolving Uncertain Transactions, Payment of Tax to the Income Tax Department, Generating TCS Challan (ITNS 281), Interest Payment to Income Tax Department on Delayed Tax Payment
TCS Reports (Form 27EQ, Challan Reconciliation)
E- Return
Maintaining Books of Accounts as a Collectee
04Payroll in TallyPrime (10 hours)
Creation of Company and Activating Payroll
Introducing Capital into the Business
Creation of Payroll Masters in TallyPrime
Employee Masters- “Employee Categories, Employee Group Master, Employee Master
Creation of Units (Work), Attendance /Production Types - “Attendance Type Creation, Employees Paid Leaves
Pay Heads in TallyPrime- Understanding on Pay Head Types of TallyPrime, Understanding on Pay Head Calculation types in TallyPrime, Understanding on Methods of Computation
Creation of Primary Pay heads- Basic Pay, House Rent Allowance, Conveyance, Overtime, Canteen Deduction
Creation of Statutory Pay heads- Provident Fund, Creation of Employer’s Other Charges Pay heads for Provident Fund, Employees State Insurance, Professional Tax, Gratuity, Income Tax
Defining Salary Details- Defining Salary Details for an Employee, Defining Salary Details for an Employee Group, Cascading Salary Details from Employee Group to Employee Master
Income Tax Master Configuration- Income Tax Pay Head Details, Income Tax Declarations, Income Tax Exempt, Income Tax Amount, Payroll Income Tax Configuration, Previous Employer Tax Deducted/Paid Details
Processing Payroll with Income Tax- Attendance Vouchers, Payroll Vouchers, Payment Vouchers
Payroll Reports- Pay Slip, Pay Sheet, Attendance Sheet, Payment Advice, Payroll Statement, Employee Pay Head Breakup, Pay Head Employee
Tally on Cloud is an on-line service which allows us to save our off-line tally data on cloud and allow us to access it from anywhere and from any device.